
Evangelist Dr. Bridget Bazunu



Building Lives, Families, Churches, and Communities With the Gospel of Jesus Christ for Over 20 Years...



“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed.”
(Luke 4:18)

Evangelist Dr. Bridget Bazunu is the overseer of Luke 4:18 Ministries, a purpose-driven ministry propagating the message of Christ’s hope, love, salvation, transformation, deliverance, restoration, healing, and revival.

Luke 4:18 Ministries is in the trenches ministering to the hurting, bringing deliverance to the captives, building interpersonal relationships, and strengthening families and communities through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are inspiring and empowering humanity to discover their purpose of being, live beyond limitations, rise to their full potentials, encounter God in new dimensions, and fulfil their divine Assignment.

For over 20 years, we have been networking with families, churches, and communities to raise a righteous standard and stir spiritual hunger in our homes, communities, and marketplaces.

We are Jesus Christ crusaders, generation builders, and vessels of transformation called to inspire humanity to encoun-ter God. We empower believers to live radically for Him so they can become kingdom minded warriors, bear the banner of faith in the frontlines, and break new grounds for the kingdom.

Yes! We Can!



"Set Free" Empowerment

What are you called to transform, heal, or revive in your family, workplace, Church, neighborhood, or interpersonal relationships? What has God assigned you to restore or fix in humanity?

You are the reason we are here!
We are on a mission to inspire and equip You to discover, maximize, and fulfil your divine Assignment.

Get a weekly dose of inspiration, "Truth", and impartation to breakthrough obstacles, live victorously and run with your vision.

about us

Strenghtening and Renewing Marital and Familial Bond...


Inspiring and Equipping Our Sons and Daughters to Seek the Face of God, Raise
a Righteous standard, and Maximize the Fullness of Their Divine Vocations.


Collaborating With Parents,  Grandparents, and Caregivers to 
Intercede and Seek the Face of God for Our Children...


Proclaiming "The Cry of the Spirit"  to  Stir Repentance and Stimulate a new Spiritual
Awakening, Hunger, 
and Thirst for the LORD.  We Must  Rekindle our Love and
Zeal for the Lord
 to Ingnite  and Fan the Fire of Revival.