"You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32)
The “True Vine” Destiny Recovery 12 week Program
Do you or a loved one struggle with any of the following addictive and destructive behavioral patterns?
Rejection Compulsive lying Nail biting Unhealthy soul ties Hoarding Guilt, Shame, condemnation Sex, drug, alcohol (and other forms of addiction) Smoking Anger Penny - pintching Over spending (compulsive spending) Relationship addiction Abuse (physical, emotional, verbal, and spiritual) Depression, grief, loss, loneliness - (suicidal tendencies) Jealousy Fear, worry, anxiety Relationship hopping Work compulsion issues - Workaholic Homosexuality Codependency Emotional pain, traumatized or bruised heart Control/manipulation predisposition Low self-esteem Passivity, laziness Impulse control issues Masturbation Self-mutilation Eating disorders Perfectionism Pornography Chronic stress - (Peer, family, work, societal pressure) Gambling, gaming Lack of passion or drive for life (a vague sense of purpose) Helplessness and hopelessness Other self-defeating habits or unresolved issues
If you or a loved one find your self walking around in circles or repeating the same self-defeating habits, Destiny Recovery is for you
Embrace new beginnings… countless possibilities… amazing discoveries… new horizons…
The “True Vine” Destiny Recovery is a Christ- centered life recovery and inner healing ministry designed to furnish you with the knowledge and skills to confront addictive and self - destructive behaviors, overcome them, and live a life of total victory. The 12-week program will inspire and steer you to the pathway of recovery, healing, and total freedom in Christ. This is not a quick fix recipe for recovery but a gradual and steady process of transformation and healing of the whole person- body, mind, soul, and spirit. This trail-blazing, sobering, and daring adventure of Destiny recovery will empower you to find all the missing pieces, fit in all the broken pieces together as you explore the deepest parts of yourself and go through the process of healing and personal growth. Get a reality check that will inspire you to go back to the drawing board of your life and identify where you are, where you intend to go from here, and establish realistic and attainable goals to get you there. Destiny Recovery is a launching pad to embark on new beginnings, envisage countless possibilities, embrace amazing discoveries, and soar to new horizons. Enjoy a safe and non-judgmental harbor where you can be “naked and vulnerable, yet unashamed” and confront past and present unresolved issues that have hindered personal growth, wholeness, and celebrate change. Enjoy a time of refreshing, healing, and restoration. Enlarge your faith. Revive hope. Enjoy the freedom to soar above life defying issues Venture to live and dream again!
Going After the Root The “True Vine” Destiny Recovery program goes after the root of sin, addictions, codependency, abuse, unhealed wounds, failure, rejection, depression, and the hordes of unresolved issues we face in life. It goes after the underlining cause of self-defeating behaviors rather than the effects. There is always a root of every sin, dysfunction, addiction, and unhealthy behavioral patterns in our lives. Our character is only a manifestation of what we really are on the inside. Our mistake is we try to get rid of the FRUITS (actions or outward manifestations) instead of the ROOT (foundation or cause) of destructive behavioral patterns,. God wants to lay the axe of the Holy Spirit to every evil root and works of flesh in our lives. When the root of a problem is excavated, it will no longer have a foundation to flourish or bear fruits. It is true that there are some problems that have been imposed on us by past generations. But we do not have any excuse to wallow in bondage because Christ has given us the authority to be liberated through His blood. He wants to destroy the various strongholds and idols in our lives. But we have to be willing to accept responsibility, label them by their proper names, not sugarcoat or tolerate them. Only when we accept responsibility for our addictions and other self-defeating behaviors can we make the necessary adjustments to embrace transformation and restoration.
The life recovery program not only helps to identify the source of our struggles, where, why, and how deeply ingrained issues manifest, it also provides biblical solutions to overcome them.
Commitment to making the necessary adjustment to beating self-defeating habits In the “True Vine” Destiny Recovery program, there is no attendance, commitment or accountability contract to sign. Attendance and participation are purely voluntary. However, participants are encouraged to commit to making the necessary adjustments to facilitate true and lasting change. The program provides proven clear-cut fundamental keys to transformation and recovery. However, it is the responsibility of participants to utilize these keys to unlock their destinies. We are neither helpless nor hopeless, neither defenseless nor powerless. We have the power of free will, the authority to say, enough to self-destructive habits, the power to regain control of our lives, the power to reclaim the legal ground we gave to the enemy! Yes, we have the power to confront our hang-ups, confront deep-rooted unresolved issues, and realign ourselves to the pathway to recovery and transformation. YES! WE CAN!
Change can be instantaneous or progressive depending on our level of faith, how much we know truth, our willingness to apply the truths in God's word to be delivered, and a combination of other factors. Also transformation occurs when we simply obey or apply God's Word. "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32) His word is truth. When we acknowledge and practice truth, it liberates us. Truth not only facilitates and maintains deliverance, but it keeps us on the right track.
Discover how to: Identify and guard against various vulnerabilities, recognize and wade off temptations signals and develop a contingency stratagem to avoid hidden booby traps
Cultivate life recovery skills to deal with the root, not fruit of self- defeating habits
Embrace your reason for being and become purpose-driven, not “self” or “need” driven.
Maximize a robust support system that will give you accountability every step of the way as you undertake this venturesome escapade to destiny recovery.
Identify and expose all the lies, deception, harassment, seduction, exploitation, and manipulation that Satan uses to trap people in bondage. Dispel those lies with truth
Learn the various strategies of spiritual warfare, how to "Put on the whole armor of God" to ward off the enemy and overcome his demonic onslaughts.
Know and exercise your spiritual authority, fight back with spiritual arsenals, and administer self-deliverance. Recognize open doors and establish healthy boundaries
Identify and break ungodly soul ties and enhance healthy ties
Register and when there are enough people for the program, you will be informed of the commencement date and time.