Bridget Bazunu
Inspirations by Bridget
Orlando for Jesus Crusade
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Meet Bridget Bazunu


  From my heart to yours,

It is a great honor to co-labor with you in winning souls for the kingdom of God. United, undaunted, and armed with the Word, the body of Christ can push back the forces of darkness, bring deliverance to the captives, execute the will of God, and exalt His Name on earth. Thanks for your labor of love for His kingdom. I look forward to working with you  -  Bridget.



Preach the gospel; Liberate those who are oppressed; Heal the sick and the broken hearted through the power of the Holy Spirit (Is. 61:1-3);  Stir spiritual hunger in order to fuel the zeal for personal, national, and global revival and restoration.


Her message is a call to repentance, a cry for transformation, a burden for revival, and restoration. The Lord commissioned the "church" to spread the gospel and be His voice on earth. We communicate what we are through our character and responses. Our actions express our convictions. If what we exhibit does not reflect our doctrine, people will not heed our voice. We cannot successfully evangelize the world, if we do not practice what we preach. We cannot herald a message of truth but live a lie. Living a double standard not only mocks the gospel but dissuades others from embracing it.
The church is speaking but our voice is faint because our lifestyles do not portray the character of God. We proclaim a message of deliverance, but wallow in bondage. We preach the need for societal change, but aggressively resist personal change. We sermonize the need for global restoration, yet our families are broken. The divorce rate among Christians is as horrible as that of the secular world. We yearn to reconcile humanity with Jesus, but our homes and churches are divided. We use our denominational and doctrinal differences as smoke screens to camouflage our insecurities.
Jesus was the most vibrant and ardent Person that ever lived. But we are complacent—though we claim to be His disciples. Division, lukewarmness, and idolatry have eaten deep into the core of the church. It is no wonder the world is kicking us around like a soccer ball. 
We cannot effectively revive or transform a dying world if we haven’t conquered our issues and insecurities. How can we fix a broken world when we are bruised ourselves?
Yes, we are not perfect but we can move toward wholeness so we can begin to manifest the fullness of God’s glory, anointing, character, and power.


Living by Truth

If we are to effectively minister to the world, we must become whole once again and begin to:
Broken walls of the Lead by example, not conform to the world’s standards.
Be the spiritual thermostat that regulates the temperature of  the world’s system, not pacify her depravity.
Rebuild the family and strengthen marriages in order to strengthen and heal our communities.
Confront spiritual dysfunction and embrace true conversion and spiritual maturity
Stir the spirit of prayer, strategic evangelism, and discipleship within and outside the local church.
Raise a high paradigm of truth, character, righteousness, and morality in order to stoke the fire of global revival.


Igniting the Fire of Revival

The devil has exploited, battered, and crippled us long enough. We need to heed the “Cry of the Spirit” and practice what we preach first so we can be healed and bring deliverance to the captives.
Of course the church is alive! But we need to grow past our maintenance and survival mode and become more aggressive about the things of God.
If we are going to dominate the earth with righteousness and take the kingdom of God by force, we need to move beyond our hang-ups and excuses to fulfill the great commission.
It is time to fan the flame of revival. God wants to rescue, revive, reform, and restore His people. But first, we must reach for repentance and wholeness. Repentance not only stirs spiritual hunger, but is a catalyst for personal, national, and global revival and restoration.


As the Holy Spirit leads, Bridget Bazunu ministers in churches, conferences, and other events. Some of her conferences and workshops themes include:

  • Pre/Post Marriage/Family Issues
  • Leadership/Excellence in Ministry /workplace
  • Spiritual/Personal Growth
  • Resolving/Confronting Issues of Anger, Pain, Low Self-Esteem, Rejection, and Fear etc.
  • Faith/Inspiration/Power of Prayer
  • Men/Women/youth Ministry
  • Inner Healing Issues (Overcoming Addictions, Abuse, Depression, Suicidal tendencies etc.) And much more!
  • Deliverance/Transformation/Healing/Restoration/Revival 



Bridget Bazunu is author of the inspirational book, “Please, Love Me Or I Die”—The Pursuit of Love and Significance. Her heartbeat is to present the saving, healing, and explosive power of the gospel to suffering and dying humanity. She encourages the body of Christ to take her rightful place and be “the Voice” of God to the family, community, market place, and to the nations. Her ministry calls for a high measure of spiritual maturity, a deeper hunger for God, and a closer walk with Him. She has been married for twenty-five years and lives with her beloved husband and three children in Central Florida.