Discover how a soul tie is formed Identify healthy and unhealthy soul ties. Break "ungodly" ties with "ex" spouses, "ex" boy or girl friends, ties formed through adultery, rape, incest, ties formed through loss, abortion, miscarriage, still birth, and ties formed through evil associations, and past and present unhealthy relationships.
TELECONFERENCE LINE Dial:1 (605) 475- 4700 Access code: 684453# Tuesdays Ministerial Empowerment: 6-9pm (ET) Marriage Tune Up 9-10pm (ET) Prayer For Children 10-10:30pm (ET)
A trail-blazing, sobering, and daring adventure Discover the pathway to destiny recovery, freedom, and wholeness -body, mind, and spirit Find and fit in all the missing pieces of life and develop life recovery skills