A return to the
"Garden of Eden' way of life, symbolic of God's presence, love, peace,
fruitfulness, unity, security, commitment, honor, relationship with God
and with each other.
An adventurous
journey of new beginnings, amazing discoveries, and countless
possibilities.......while you discover the keys to unlock the secret
treasures that God ordained for you before the foundation of the world.
A place of
serenity, free from daily distractions where parents and their children
can bond, be open minded, and honest through dialogue and resolve
unhealed issues in a caring and Christ-like way.
A safe and judgment-free harbor where families can unwind and have fun.
A time of
refreshing and healing where families are rejuvenated, empowered, and
inspired to be all that God has created them to be and reach for the
A birthing place where dreams and relationships are reborn
Experience God and bring the "Garden of Eden" experience back to your household.
Retreat Focus
God's Family Tree (Going Back to the Roots)
The Role of the Family (The Family as the Voice of God)
(The Family as a Root/ Foundation)
The buck Stops Here. (Stopping the Circle of Generational Sin/Dysfunction)
Fighting Back with Truth/Love/Commitment/Forgiveness.
The Purpose-Driven Family.
The "Armed and Dangerous" Family.(Training for Spiritual Warfare)